Friday, September 13, 2013

Round two of correspondence with the bank

Mr. Landucci,

Your response to me was disappointing.  I feel like the bank is not willing to help.  Therefore, we have been working with our local police on this issue.  According to them, the house is owned by Bank of America.  He has notified the bank several times.  Nothing has been done.  These people are still in the home.  They have dumped PILES of trash in the back yard.  The next thing will be rats and other pests.

Please come and secure the house promptly.  Our safety is at risk with these criminals living next door to us. The bank is the only entity with any power at this point.

Thank you,

Ms. Tell;

I understand your frustration, and Bank of America is more than willing to help if we can.  But, despite what the police are suggesting, Bank of America owns neither property.  As such, dealing with the squatters must be dealt with by the legal owners until Bank of America takes legal possession of the property.  If the property becomes vacant, we can go in and secure it to prevent them from returning.  But until the properties are vacant, we have no legal ability to address any issue on the property.

We inspect these properties monthly, but if you hear of either property becoming vacant, please reach out to me ASAP and I can have a crew out, likely same day, to secure the properties.


Tim Landucci

Mr Landucci,

I am so utterly confused by what you are saying.  You are telling me that the bank is not the owner of the houses.  However, if the houses are vacant the bank can come out and secure the property.  How can you do this if the bank isn't the owner?

Ms. Tell

Ms. Tell,

The short answer is that we are legally allowed to protect the asset if it is ever left vacant.  However, if there are occupants, regardless of who they are, we are legally trespassing if we enter the property.

Tim Landucci

So the short answer is this:

The banks, including Bank of America adopted reckless and foolish lending habits in the mid 2000s.  They made home loans to people that could not afford the payments.  They doled out bonuses to their employees and executives for creating these loans.  In addition, Bank of America gambled my retirement funds, along with the rest of America's on these faulty loans.  They created a huge financial crisis.  Then when the crash came in September of 2008, in addition to our retirement funds, they took bail out money from tax payers like myself and my neighbors.  They used that money to pay their employees bonuses to move quickly on foreclosures -- foreclosures caused by their faulty lending practices.  They left homes all around America empty.  Now we have criminal squatters sitting in one of Bank of America's empty houses.  They have broke into my car, my neighbor's car and created a HUGE sense of uneasiness in our simple, quiet neighborhood.  And now when I ask Bank of America for help, they tell me there is nothing they can do.  Bank of America's business practices are disgusting.  Bank of America has no sense of commitment to the community or the people that have HELPED them continue to do business in this country.

I don't want to hear about how Bank of America "is" but "isn't" the owner of this property.  I want to see results.  And I am going to be forwarding these emails onto my local news station.

Feel free to forward this to your public relations executive.

Thank you.

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