Saturday, September 28, 2013

My letter to President Obama and the Federal Reserve

I just sent this email to both President Obama and the Federal Reserve. There is a very small word count when sending an email to either place, that is why it is so short:

I have been trying to wrap my mind around the 2008 financial crisis for the past few months. My question is not meant to be accusatory. Instead, I am genuinely curious. Why were bail out funds given to the banks? Why were they not funneled first to homeowners to pay their loans, which would have ultimately made their way to the banks? The reason I have become so curious about the financial crisis lately is because there are several empty homes in my neighborhood that are occupied by criminal squatters.  Our neighborhood can do nothing to get rid of them -- believe me, we have tried. If the homes would not have been foreclosed upon, and the previous owners would have been given the bailout funds, then we wouldn't have this issue.

I appreciate any insight you have to give.

Thank you!

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