Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Catch 22

My dear neighbor spent the last few days carefully constructing a very-well written email regarding our issues with the squatters. Today she emailed it to various police jurisdictions (including the officer that was so helpful in the beginning, but has recently become absent), Bank of America executives and our local government officials. The first responses were one person passing the buck off to another. One person passed the buck off to the officer we have been in contact with regarding this situation -- not knowing he was already on the email. He quickly responded when asked by the government official to assist (he had not responded to our last few emails).

Essentially, he told us that he had contacted Bank of America. They apparently came out to secure the home, but found occupants and left. They cannot secure the home while people are residing there. Bank of America is not the owner of this property. The legal owner (the people kicked out of their home by Bank of America) will need to come back and do a formal eviction through the courts. The police cannot even vacate the premises with the permission of the former owner. 

It would take a really big person to come back and help rid the house that they once owned of squatters. Most people would throw their hands up and say, "good riddance."Now we have to somehow convince this person to come back and help us. We are determined to do so. We have a plan and I hope it will work.

How long does it take for the bank to take ownership? My assumption is that they are prolonging taking ownership just so they do not have to deal with these squatters.

My neighbors and I are living the real-life version of novel Catch 22...

Here's a riddle for you: How does Bank of America have the authority and power to remove the former owners of the property, but they cannot do anything about these squatters?